The Inspiration Behind
Baby Yearbooks

My wife also recorded the milestones and added a few pictures to a scrapbook, whenever she remembered.
But she also did something more important — something extraordinary. She kept a journal.
She told the stories behind the photos, videos and milestones. The little details. The emotions. The moments that would otherwise fade with time. Years later, this journal has become a treasure for us — and for our children. Now we have the pictures, the videos AND the stories! All are important keepsakes ♥️
But I also knew that the journal part was time-consuming. That's why, for our daughter's new baby, I was determined to create a way to make what used to be hard … incredibly easy 😄
Not only that … I also wanted a printed book. AND I wanted to be able to see the videos — just like in Hogwarts! Not just a photo of her first steps but the video too. Not just the text of our stories but also the video of Mum-from-long-ago talking.
And selfishly, as a new Grandpa, I want to be invited to share stories too and be part of our new grandaughter's amazing book.
So with Baby's First Years and QR codes, we can now make magic happen!
Rachel’s Journal
… a few excerpts
Here are a few of my wife’s stories — early entries in our daughter’s journal, written long before Baby’s First Year made it easy.
The Journal Begins
"Well, I’ve decided to start a periodic journal for you so that I capture some of the feelings and events in our lives that we’re sure to forget (I say periodic, because I know myself well enough to know that I will not be terribly religious about keeping it). I will try not to make it too emotional, but I’m afraid that my maternal mushiness will take over occasionally.

I think it was after you had just gotten over a little illness and were still not napping well during the day, so I brought you into bed with me to lie down and sleep. It was such a wonderful couple of hours with you curled up beside me and wanting my physical reassurance, and turning over once in a while, that I really felt it was one of those moments that I would need to appreciate as much as I possibly could, because it was not likely ever to be the same again.
And sure enough, you have refused to lie down with me (or anyone) ever since then, preferring to use our bed as a trampoline, regardless of whether we happen to be asleep in it at the time or not!"
Your Grandma …
I wish she were here 😢
"Writing this entry has inevitably made me think about Mum. I know she must have had many of these same feelings and experiences with me when I was your age, and it makes me feel even closer to her and miss her more than ever.
While you are the one person who can make me completely forget my terrible day at work, or make me laugh by playing peek-a-boo through my legs or the tea towel, it makes me very sad for what Mum is missing in your growing up. You had a very special place in her heart, because we spent so much time together since your birth.
The last time we saw her (on the day she died), you were the only one who could rouse her, for your special kissing routine with her. I am so thankful that you felt like kissing that day!"
Starting to Talk
"You are really starting to talk now, and it’s very exciting and frustrating for all of us. I have a feeling that although we waited breathlessly for the day you could communicate, we may regret that we rushed you along once you can clearly express that very determined personality of yours!
Actually, it’s quite thrilling to watch you develop more each day, learning new words and reaching new heights in the art of manipulation with us and with Nora. So far, we’re still winning, but it won’t be long..."

Now easy to do!
These stories were the seeds of Baby Yearbooks.
Back then, my wife used notebooks, pens and later a laptop to record memories like these.
Now, you can tell your stories — with photos, videos, and audio — right from your phone, even while your baby sleeps in your arms.
And at the end of the year, you’ll have a beautiful printed book, filled with your stories, to treasure for a lifetime.
Because the best memories aren’t just pictures or videos. They’re stories.
And Rachel knows this intimately — she’s already started a Baby’s First Year book of her own for her own soon-to-arrive first child!

Start Creating Your Baby’s Magical Storybook Today!
With Baby Yearbooks, you’re creating more than just a book — you’re building a living memory that will bring joy to your family for generations. Start your journey today and give your child the gift of their first story.