Inspire Your Stories
Organize Your Memories
Your baby’s first year is filled with moments big and small, and Baby Yearbooks helps you capture them all.
We make it easy with a chapter-based layout to keep everything beautifully organized. Start with our thoughtfully designed default chapters — milestones, firsts, celebrations, and more — or customize them however you wish. Rearrange, rename, delete, or add chapters to create a book that’s perfectly you.
It’s not just about milestones; it’s about the magic in between. From sleepy snuggles to quirky expressions, everyday adventures, and loving messages from family, your book will tell a wonderfully rich story of your baby’s first year.
• Expecting You: Ultrasound photos, the first announcement, and Mom and Dad’s reflections on discovering you were expecting.
• Preparing for Baby: Setting up the nursery, shopping for baby items, and any special preparations.
• Baby Shower: Photos, gifts, and messages from friends and family celebrating the upcoming arrival.Specific examples
How did you find out you were pregnant? Describe your emotions.
Share a picture or video of your baby bump.
Write about the first ultrasound or hearing your baby’s heartbeat.
Describe a memorable moment during your pregnancy.
Talk about choosing your baby’s name and its meaning.
Share funny or touching moments from your baby shower.
What were you most excited (or nervous) about before the birth?
Describe the birth day: how did you feel meeting your baby for the first time?
Share your hospital or homebirth experience.
Include photos of your baby’s first outfit or their first cry.
• The Birth Story: Photos and videos from the hospital, Mom and Dad’s reflections and emotions surrounding the birth experience.
• First Meeting: Family members meeting the baby for the first time, with grandparents’ reactions and first family photos.
• Going Home: Bringing baby home, first night at home, and settling into a new routine.Specific Examples
Describe your baby’s first night at home.
Share a photo or video of your baby sleeping peacefully.
What was a surprising thing you learned about being a parent this month?
Write about your baby’s first bath and how it went.
Capture a moment with your baby’s siblings or pets.
How did friends and family react when they met your baby?
Describe the first time your baby smiled or made eye contact.
Write about the challenges of adjusting to sleepless nights.
Share a favorite lullaby or story you read to your baby.
Include photos of your baby in their favorite onesie or blanket.
• First Days: Early routines like feeding, sleeping, and daily life as a new family.
• Special Bonding Moments: Tender moments between the baby and each parent, with narration or messages about these first connections.
• Favorite Things: Stories about baby’s favorite toys, songs, or activities during those early weeks.Specific Examples
Share a typical day with your baby—feeding, napping, and playtime.
Record your favorite morning or bedtime routines.
Write about a favorite game or toy your baby enjoys.
Capture moments during stroller walks or outings.
Describe how your baby interacts with their surroundings.
Share a photo of your baby exploring something new, like a mirror.
Highlight a bonding moment, like snuggles during a nap.
Include photos of your baby’s favorite outfits.
Write about how you and your partner share parenting duties.
Record your baby’s reaction to music, lights, or textures.
• First Smile & Laugh: Capture baby’s first expressions of joy, with parents’ reactions.
• First Words: Audio or video of baby babbling or saying their first words, with parents reflecting on the moment.
• First Steps: Photos or videos of baby’s first attempts to crawl or walk, and the excitement surrounding these milestones.Specific Examples
Record the first time your baby rolled over.
Describe their first smile or giggle—what made them laugh?
Share a photo or video of your baby sitting up or crawling.
Write about the first word they said and how you felt.
Talk about their first tooth and how they handled teething.
Record a funny or cute moment during feeding time.
Capture the first time they reached for a toy or object.
Describe their reaction to tasting a new food.
Share the moment they took their first steps.
Highlight a memorable outing or trip with your baby.
• Messages to Baby: Each grandparent shares a message, memory, or wish for the baby in a video or audio recording.
• Family Traditions: Stories about family customs and traditions that grandparents hope to share with the baby.
• Special Bonding Moments: Photos and reflections on special times between grandparents and the baby, such as storytime or family gatherings.
Specific Examples
Describe the first time you met your grandchild—what were your emotions?
Share a memory of when you first learned you were going to be a grandparent.
Talk about a favorite moment you’ve had with your grandchild so far.
Reflect on a tradition or family story you’re excited to pass down to your grandchild.
Write about what it was like seeing your child (the baby’s parent) become a parent themselves.
Share a funny or touching moment from babysitting or spending time with your grandchild.
Describe how your grandchild reminds you of someone in the family or their parents as children.
Write a letter to your grandchild to be read when they’re older.
Share photos or videos of a special activity or outing you enjoyed with your grandchild.
Reflect on what being a grandparent means to you and how it has changed your life.
• First Outing: Photos or videos from baby’s first time outside, like a trip to the park or the beach.
• Exploring New Places: Family trips, vacations, or special outings with stories of baby’s reactions and discoveries.
• Playtime Moments: Capture favorite toys, games, and interactions with siblings or pets.Specific Examples
Document your baby’s first holiday or celebration.
Share their reaction to seeing snow, rain, or sunshine for the first time.
Write about a family gathering or event your baby attended.
Record a funny or heartwarming moment with a grandparent.
Capture your baby’s reaction to meeting new people or children.
Share a moment that made you especially proud as a parent.
Include photos from their first trip to the park, zoo, or beach.
Write about a memorable cuddle or bonding moment.
Record their reaction to a new sound or toy.
Share a moment where your baby surprised you with their curiosity.
• Visitors: Photos and stories about friends or extended family visiting the baby.
• Messages from Loved Ones: Invitations for friends and relatives to leave messages, photos, or short videos for the baby.
• Cousins & Family Fun: Special moments with cousins, aunts, uncles, and other family members.Specific Examples
Share how grandparents, aunts, and uncles have bonded with your baby.
Include a group photo or a candid moment with family members.
Write about a special tradition you’ve introduced to your baby.
Record your baby’s interaction with cousins or friends’ children.
Highlight a family activity, like baking or playing together.
Describe a funny or touching story from a family gathering.
Share how family members helped during your baby’s early days.
Write about a special gift someone gave your baby.
Record a moment when your baby made someone smile or laugh.
Share photos of your baby’s room and items given by loved ones.
• First Holidays: Capture memories of the baby’s first Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, or any holiday your family celebrates.
• Birthday Celebration: Photos and videos from baby’s first birthday party, including the cake smash, gifts, and party decorations.
• Other Special Occasions: Stories about other family events or cultural celebrations during the baby’s first year.Specific Examples
Share photos of your baby’s first birthday party or celebration.
Write about their reaction to their first cake or special meal.
Highlight gifts or keepsakes they received.
Record how they reacted to decorations or singing “Happy Birthday.”
Share a photo of their birthday outfit or accessories.
Describe the emotions you felt celebrating this milestone.
Include a photo with family and friends who attended.
Write a letter to your baby to mark this special day.
Record a memorable moment, like when they opened their gifts.
Capture their reaction to playing with balloons or party props.
• Looking Back: Reflections from parents on the highlights and challenges of the first year, including favorite memories.
• Hopes for the Future: Mom, Dad, and other family members share their wishes and dreams for the baby’s future.
Specific Examples
How would you describe your baby’s personality and what's your best guess for what they'll be like in the future
Reflect on how becoming a parent has changed you.
Share your thoughts on the challenges and joys of parenthood.
Write about the lessons you’ve learned during your baby’s first year.
Express your gratitude for the support you’ve received from family and friends.
Reflect on your favorite memories from the past year.
Share your wishes for your baby’s future milestones.
Write about the qualities you hope to nurture in your child.
Reflect on the bond you’ve developed with your baby.
Share your thoughts on watching your baby grow and develop.

Start Creating Your Baby’s Magical Storybook Today!
With Baby Yearbooks, you’re creating more than just a book — you’re building a living memory that will bring joy to your family for generations. Start your journey today and give your child the gift of their first story.