The Best way to tell your Stories.
Talk “to” your baby, not “about” your baby
Stories aren't only about pictures. Great stories are often about feelings, memories, as well as activities, perhaps supported by pictures and video.
Some moms have asked us for examples of stories. Here are a few early stories in our daughter’s journal from long ago … which my wife had to (slowly) type up, way back then. It's a lot easier today, using Baby Yearbooks!
The Journal Begins
"Well, I’ve decided to start a periodic journal for you so that I capture some of the feelings and events in our lives that we’re sure to forget (I say periodic, because I know myself well enough to know that I will not be terribly religious about keeping it). I will try not to make it too emotional, but I’m afraid that my maternal mushiness will take over occasionally.

I think it was after you had just gotten over a little illness and were still not napping well during the day, so I brought you into bed with me to lie down and sleep. It was such a wonderful couple of hours with you curled up beside me and wanting my physical reassurance, and turning over once in a while, that I really felt it was one of those moments that I would need to appreciate as much as I possibly could, because it was not likely ever to be the same again.
And sure enough, you have refused to lie down with me (or anyone) ever since then, preferring to use our bed as a trampoline, regardless of whether we happen to be asleep in it at the time or not!"
Your Grandma …
I wish she were here 😢
"Writing this entry has inevitably made me think about Mum. I know she must have had many of these same feelings and experiences with me when I was your age, and it makes me feel even closer to her and miss her more than ever.
While you are the one person who can make me completely forget my terrible day at work, or make me laugh by playing peek-a-boo through my legs or the tea towel, it makes me very sad for what Mum is missing in your growing up. You had a very special place in her heart, because we spent so much time together since your birth.
The last time we saw her (on the day she died), you were the only one who could rouse her, for your special kissing routine with her. I am so thankful that you felt like kissing that day!"
Starting to Talk
"You are really starting to talk now, and it’s very exciting and frustrating for all of us. I have a feeling that although we waited breathlessly for the day you could communicate, we may regret that we rushed you along once you can clearly express that very determined personality of yours!
Actually, it’s quite thrilling to watch you develop more each day, learning new words and reaching new heights in the art of manipulation with us and with Nora. So far, we’re still winning, but it won’t be long..."
Now easy to do, using Baby Yearbooks
Today, with Baby Yearbooks, you can easily dictate these stories in seconds. And that even includes adding pictures/video! Just dictate or do a video selfie and let our AI take care of the transcription and clean up. Or just use the transcription as a start, then edit it later.
When it comes time to create the book at the end, you'll be able to decide whether you want to include your video or audio for each story. No need to decide right away.
FWIW, I personally think it would have been awesome for our now adult kids to also be able to view mom from long ago telling the story. They think so too 😄
And honestly, these stories would probably never have been told to Rachel nor even remembered if my wife hadn’t written them down at the time.